Pastor Search progress

Here is where you will find the latest on our search for a new pastor. 

Pastor Search Team Update

  • January 5,2025
    The Search for a pastor begins....

    The PST met for a planning meeting on Sunday January 5th, 2025


        The Pastor Search Team planning meeting was opened with prayer for the Lord’s guidance. The team plans to meet with Alex Gonzales from STBC on Thursday January 16th for assistance in our search parameters. 

        The team discussed the composition of a new job description for pastor and expressed the importance of allowing God to guide the team in their search and to stay in prayer for our church and for our pastor search team as well as the importance of praying for our future pastor and his family. Above all the Holy Spirit should be allowed to guide the team. 

    The meeting was adjourned and closed the meeting with a prayer for the Lord’s guidance. 

    Respectfully submitted, 

    Team Scribe

  • January 16,2025
    SBTC rep attends

    After opening in prayer, guest speaker Alex Gonzalez from SBTC was introduced. He presented the team members with handbooks to guide them in the steps of a pastor search and discussed ways that SBTC could assist New Heritage in their search. In our up coming meeting the team will discuss ways to involve the church body in our pastor search. The meeting was closed in prayer.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Team Scribe